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After years of failed auditions, rum heiress Andromeda Archambault gives it one last try at The Crow's Nest in Shoreditch against her better judgment. She may be a lady, but to director Frank Creighton, she's the Queen of Night, and she's perfect for a starring role in his theatre and his life.

But Andie isn't who she says she is, and neither is Frank. Will their Phantasmagoria be a success, or will the skeletons in their closets close the show before it begins?

Meet Jessica Cale

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Jessica Cale is a romance author, editor, and historian based in North Carolina. Originally from Minnesota, she lived in Wales for several years where she earned a BA in History and an MFA in Creative Writing while climbing castles and photographing mines for history magazines.


She kidnapped (“married”) her very own British prince (close enough) and is enjoying her happily ever after with him in a place where no one understands his accent. She is the editor of Dirty, Sexy History. 

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